Saturday, July 23, 2011

Vintage Table Numbers

Fully aware of the long summer ahead of me totally free of any jobs (no complaints here) I decided to get involved in some DIY projects for the wedding.  After browsing the internet and other wedding blogs I came across this:
I fell in love with the idea and recruited my fiance Brian, my mom and sister to help me find the frames, background paper, numbers and 'just right' paint colors. 
Here is the original inspiration:
Here are a few candid shots of us working on them:

 Rachel's Sherwin Williams expertise allowed her to create some fabulous matching paint colors for us ;)
 Brian's artsy side really came out when mixing up the perfect color blue to match the background paper.
Future brother and sister-in-law.
A preview of some of the finished project: Which one will be at your table???

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