Sunday, July 24, 2011

Out with the old, in with the new....

So as all of you married women know, registering can be a lot of fun.  Especially when your cabinets consist of a mixture of his and hers college dishes, hand-me-downs, and random glasses from your favorite bars.  We have been waiting for this day so that we can pitch all of our old mismatching things and replace them with brand new nice 'adult' dishes!

I am only speaking for myself when I say that I was most excited to register for our dishes.  Years ago, when moving into my 'real world' first apartment, I fell in love with these dishes from Pottery Barn:

This is called the 'Emma Dinnerware' set.  As we all know, Pottery Barn is not the most affordable place in the world for a new college graduate.  I pretty much gave up the thought of owning them.
Well, last summer, when my brother and now sister-in-law and bridesmaid got married, they had registered at Crate and Barrel.  The 'Staccato' dishes they registered for reminded me a lot of the 'Emma' dishes. 

Although we were not engaged yet, I kept these dishes in mind.  I asked my brother and sister-in-law their opinion about the dishes and they both agreed they are very durable and that they are definitely happy with them.
A few months later, we got engaged, decided to register at Crate and Barrel and the thought of the dishes resurfaced.  I am now happy to say they are my favorite thing on our registry :)  Now if you ask Brian on the other hand.....

1 comment:

  1. They are too cute, you need to stick to your guns on this one!
