Sunday, July 24, 2011

Bubbles & Napkins

Like most churches, St. Pat's won't allow the throwing of rice or any other objects at the bride and groom during the send-off.  So, during the week my mom and sister visited, I put them to work.  I found these cute 'Love' bubbles online for a really good deal (even cheaper than Wal-Mart prices!).  For my sister Rachel's wedding, she also bought bubbles and we tied on purple and green ribbon to match her wedding colors.  Moving forward with the idea we bought navy and lavendar ribbon and the four of us (including Brian) tied ribbon on 192 tubes of bubbles. 

I will also pick out matching ribbon to tie onto the basket that the bubbles will go in.  Hopefully our 'Bubble Girls' (cousins Cassidy & Josie Bero, Sarah Jeffries) will enjoy passing them out!

With my Southern roots and Brian being Irish, we decided to personalize our napkins accordingly.  Brian picked out a Celtic design on a navy napkin:
It's kind of hard to tell but the design and writing are actually done in lavendar colored foil!

I picked out a fleur de lis on a lavendar napkin:
Also hard to tell in this picture but the fleur and writing are done in navy.
 Make sure you stop by the bar and get/use one at the reception!

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